About Dean Stevens

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Ann Huff Stevens is the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at The University of Texas at Austin and the David Bruton, Jr. Regents Chair in Liberal Arts. She is a widely respected and distinguished scholar of economics who came to UT Austin from The University of California, Davis, where she served in a variety of leadership roles, including chair of the Department of Economics, chair of the Economics Graduate Program, interim dean of the Graduate School of Management, and founding director of the Center for Poverty Research.
Dr. Stevens's research focuses on workers and labor markets, the incidence and effects of job loss, and poverty and safety net dynamics. Her published work has documented the permanence of earnings losses for displaced workers, quantified the effects of displacement on the wealth levels and health of affected workers, and revealed the negative effects of job loss across generations. Her current work examines returns to career and technical education programs, EITC eligibility and deep poverty, and aspects of rising male non-employment. As director of the Center for Poverty Research at UC Davis, Stevens served as an investigator on numerous grants from agencies including the National Science Foundation, the US Department of Health and Human Services, and the Institute for Education Sciences.
A native of Corpus Christi, Texas, Stevens earned her undergraduate degree from American University and a doctorate in economics from the University of Michigan. Prior to her work at UC Davis, she served as a faculty member at Rutgers University and Yale University.