COLA Web Admin Help | College of Liberal Arts
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Photo ID Submission

Recommended photograph style

  • Large portraits that appear clear and crisp  work best.  Photo ids published to the web will have a professional polished look.
  • Preferred smallest dimension for original photos: width= 600 pixels (at 72 dpi) 
  • Wider or narrower images can work but images not be less than 500 pixels wide give best results.
College of Liberal Arts

This caption describes the image above.

College of Liberal Arts

This caption describes the image above.

Can I use a photo of an environment, me working, or giving a presentation as a profile photo? Not recommended.

As a portrait they do not work well and lack context.  But in the body of your profile pages, please use action shots especially ones that help promote your work and research. In general, for profile photos we recommend images that meet passport photo requirements in lighting, crop, and color.  Be sure to smile and dress nice.  Glasses are OK! See more passport examples from the US State Department.

College of Liberal Arts

This caption describes the image above.

College of Liberal Arts

This caption describes the image above.